
The lustrum week starts in...

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From Monday 7 to Saturday 12 October 2024, we celebrate Aloha’s 30e birthday! We hope to welcome as many former, current and new members of Aloha and Mahalo to the lustrum week. Do you have any old triathlon friends you’d like to see again? Feel free to share the link to this page!

Register now!View registrations »

Are you not currently an Aloha or Mahalo member, but would you like to be kept up to date by us? Please let us know via, so we can add you to the mailing list.

LuCo committee picture

The lustrum committee after they had beaten the VR zombies (top: f.l.t.r. Mees, Sara, Tommie, and Mariska, bottom: Lotte and Pepijn)



During the lustrum week, there won’t be any trainings, but the lustrum committee will organise a fun activity every evening!

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday (dies) Friday
More information about the evening activities will follow soon!

Saturday – (former) members day

By tradition, we end the lustrum week spectacularly on Saturday, with a full day programme for all current and former Aloha members. Have you always wondered how it was to be part of our association 20 years ago? Or are you curious to know what we’re up to nowadays, what’s (not) changed? Or would you just like to have a really nice day with your triathlon friends? Make sure not to skip the former members day! We are working hard on finalising the programme of the day, but the following activities are planned anyway:

  • Sporty morning activity
  • Catch-up lunch
  • Group activity
  • Buffet
  • Lustrum auction and drink

Lustrum shirt

Would you like to own one of these beautiful, exclusive lustrum sport shirts? You can still order, but stock is limited. So be quick!

De Palmboom

A new lustrum means a new edition of De Palmboom (“The Palm Tree”), the Aloha lustrum booklet full of beautiful memories, fun traditions and crazy anecdotes! Read the previous editions here.

Do you have any ideas for an article? Or would you like to contribute in another way? Please contact us via

De Palmboom

Below, you can download some of the previous editions of “De Palmboom”, Aloha’s Lustrum booklet (in Dutch). If you are in possession of one of the missing editions, please let us know vis! 1e Palmboom – 1999 (14.6 MB) 2e Palmboom – 2004 3e Palmboom – 2009 4e Palmboom – 2014 (2.1 MB) 5e …


Currently the following (former) Alohans have registered for the lustrum week. Are you joining too? Register now!    This page has been generated automatically. If you would prefer your name not to be visible here, please send a message to