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Building run

The Aloha Gebouwenloop (Building Run) is a run through the different buildings at the UT. This event was first introduced in 2014 to celebrate the fourth lustrum of the triathlon association D.S.T.V. Aloha. The course starts in the Citadel and travels via bridges through the Ravelijn, Zilverling, Hal B, Carré and the Westhorst to the finish, at the top of the Horst tower! Join this unique running competition and conquer the exhausting stairs of the Horst. After the race, you will get a refreshing snack and you can relax with a free drink in the Horst cellar. In this edition, it is possible to participate in teams of four. Traditionally, there is also a prize for the Gebouwenbeest (Building Beast), the runner with the most original outfit.  Click here to sign up!

  • The Aloha Gebouwenloop 2024 will take place on Wednesday the 14th of February.
  • The race starts around 19:00.


You can sign up here. The cost for participating will be € 4.-. You are only allowed to participate after paying. You will receive a mail with further information regarding the payment.

Race information

There will be a women and men ranking. Additionally, you can also participate in the team ranking with four runners (mixed). You have to specify your team members in the registration form. The time for the team ranking is the sum of the individual runners. Finally, there is the Gebouwenbeest ranking (Building Beast). This prize goes to the runner in the most original outfit. After the race, you will get a refreshing snack and there will be drinks in the Horst cellar. The first drink will be free! The award ceremony will take place as soon as the results have been processed.


Volunteers are indispensable for this competition. Do you hate climbing stairs? Register as a volunteer on this page. Thank you very much, your help is appreciated!

Information and contact

  • Further information about the competition will be sent by email to all participants and volunteers.
  • For other questions or comments, please contact
  • We hope to see you on February 14!



Photos Photos by Pepijn Hoekstra


Sign up

You can use the form below to sign up for the upcoming edition of the Building Run! If you’d also like to help us out as a volunteer, that would be great, and we’d like to refer you to this page. Loading…


Thank you so much for wanting to help us make the Building Run a successful event once again! You can sign up as a volunteer using the form below. Loading…