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Aloha is a very active association, thanks to its active members. Therefore, we invite you to become active in one of our committees. Contact the board for more information here.

Alohanium Committee

The Alohanium committee organises a sporty weekend away once a year with the student triathlon association from Groningen, Tritanium.

Dagmar Schouteten

Bar Committee

This committee (BaCo) takes care of the organisation of Aloha’s “bar days”. During these days, Aloha has to man the bar of the sports centre. Because a part of the income goes to our association, these days are important for Aloha’s finances. They are also a lot of fun and a nice way to give back to the association.

Lotte Steenmeijer
Mathijs Tobé
Sara de Bruin

Batavierenrace Committee

This committee (BataCo) ensures the participation of an Aloha team in the yearly recurring Batavierenrace (a famous relay running race of approximately 200km between two Dutch universities: Radboud Universtity Nijmegen and University of Twente).

Dennis de Heus
Hessel van der Vegt

Clothing Committee

The clothing committee (CloCo) makes sure there are a couple of moments each year where Aloha members can other their Aloha clothing. The CloCo arranges the ordering process, and contacts the manufacturer regarding the design and production of the clothes.

Lars Bossink
Mees Flappper
Charlotte Meijers
Helgi Knol
Birgit Schouteten
Francesca Zacché

Coconut Committee

The CocoCo is the committee that is responsible for the Coconut, the quarterly newsletter of Aloha! Each quartile they gather all the events that occurred within and around Aloha and write a little article on it (or ask an involved member to write it). Next to writing articles they also work on the graphical design, promotion and distribution of the Coconut.

Sarah Onrust
Dagmar Schouteten
Lotte Steenmeijer
Lisette Masselink

Advisory Committee

The advisory committee (College van Advies, CvA), usually consisting of more experienced members, exists to advise and support the Aloha board.

Events Committee

This committee (EC) makes sure that besides hardcore training, there are also plenty of activities that take care of some relaxation. Every month they organize a fun activity such as ice skating, a pub quiz, BBQs, dinners and much more. In addition, the EC has the task of organizing the DIES (birthday of Aloha) and the traditional New Year’s dinner. So there is no shortage of fun at Aloha.

Yasmin Nauta
Eline Meindertsma
Hester van Wachem
Hanna Heijs
Francesca Zacché

Gala Committee

This committee (GalaCo) organises a yearly recurring gala. This they do in cooperation with the other sports associations in sport sector 1, namely Kronos, Klein Verzet, Skeuvel and Slapping Studs.

Birgit van der Burg
Sara de Bruin

Aloha Gebouwenloop Committee

Every year, this committee (AloGeBoLoCo) organises the Gebouwenloop (building run) at the University of Twente. This is an indoor race through some of the buildings of the University of Twente. The parcours is complicated because of the large amount of staircases and the finish is at the 13th floor of the Horst tower.

Dimitris Lolis
Birgit Schouteten
Iasonas Kandiloros
Francesca Zacché
Roald Hofman

Financial Committee

The financial committee (KasCo) checks Aloha’s bookkeeping twice a year.

Leon de Vries
Liselot Goris
Dennis de Heus
Hessel van der Vegt
Yasmin Nauta

Kanathlon Committee

This committee is responsible for organising the yearly recurring Kanathlon together with D.K.V. Euros. Kanathlon is a combination of triathlon and canoeing. The race starts with canoeing, then running and ends with swimming.

Indy van Vliet
Daan Bossink

Kick-In Committee

This committee (Kick-In Co) is in charge of Alohas presence during the Kick-In (introduction days of the University).

Pepijn Hoekstra

Lustrum Committee

The lustrum committee (LuCo) has the job to organise the lustrum of Aloha once each 5 years. The lustrum will be organised with a week full of activities and fun gatherings with both Aloha and Mahalo members.

Tommie Verouden
Lotte Steenmeijer
Pepijn Hoekstra
Mees Flapper
Mariska de Winter

Promotion Committee

The Promotion Committee (PromoCo) takes care of all the printing work for Aloha, including stickers and posters. They monitor the corporate identity to ensure uniformity across various media. The committee is also responsible for updating social media.

Pepijn Hoekstra
Sarah Onrust
Anna van Bussel

Technical Committee

The Technical Committee (TC) organises everything regarding the trainings, so we try to make sure that the trainings are good and fun. Moreover, we ensure that the loan bikes of Aloha are properly maintained and organise sporty activities such as the 5 km running test, the 500 m swimming test, and the club championships in the swimming pool. Furthermore, the TC keeps contact with the trainers and if necessary the Sportscentrum. The TC organises yearly trainers courses such that the student trainers of Aloha can give good quality training!

Mees Flapper
Lars Bossink
Tristan Vlogman
Hessel van der Vegt
Jesper Boets
Liz Wabeke

Time Trial Committee

The Time Trial Committee organises the Aloha Time Trial each year.

Daan Bossink
Dennis de Heus

UT-Triathlon Organisation Committee

This committee organises the famous UTT (University of Twente Triathlon). This triathlon is very popular amongst Dutch triathletes.

Dagmar Schouteten
Nynke Luijten
Marleen Maassen van den Brink
Fleur Vialle
Mathijs Tobé
Agata Sowa

Association Weekend Committee

Every year, this committee (Verenigingsweekend Commissie, (VeWeCo)) organises a weekend full of fun activities for Aloha members.

Jessica Balm
Sara de Bruin
Thirza de Groot
Roald Hofman
Charlotte Meijers

Website Committee

This committee (WebCo) is responsible for maintaining and updating the Aloha website. As well as other online systems that Aloha uses.

Tommie Verouden
Lotte Steenmeijer
Mathijs Tobé

24-hours Committee

The 24-hours triathlon (24HCo) is responsible for organising the 24-hours triathlon, where triathlon will be done for 24 hours for a good cause.

Birgit van der Burg
Tristan Vlogman
Yasmin Nauta
Indy van Vliet
Dennis de Heus