We are the triathlon association for students and employees of the University of Twente and Saxion.
Welcome to Aloha!

Looking back on the lustrum week
From Monday 7 to Saturday 12 October 2024, we celebrated Aloha’s 30th birthday! We were very lucky to have so many former, current and new members of Aloha and Mahalo join us during the lustrum week. Here on the website, you can now look back at the pictures per day, and download the latest edition …

Lustrum auction: €5153 for charity
During the last day of our lustrum week, we traditionally dedicated the evening to a crazy auction. With a slideshow full of memories of the past 30 years in the background (automatically taken from our archives by WebCo-whizkids Lotte and Joris), auctioneer and former member Daan Geijs sold us all kinds of Aloha-related items. There …

Change of boards
We are happy to share that, during our General Assembly on the 14th of October, the 35th board of D.S.T.V. Aloha has been instated! The board consists of Roald Hofman (chair), Jessica Balm (secretary), Liz Wabeke (treasurer), and Thirza de Groot (general member). Full contact information can be found on the board page.

Sports day with Kronos & Klein Verzet
As an appetizer for our own lustrum week, and to celebrate the lustrums (lustra?) of Kronos and Klein Verzet that take also place this year, we spent a day playing sports that were way out of our comfort zone. From Quidditch to spikeball: as long as it did not fall into the category of swimming, …

Kick-In 2024
Aloha new students, and welcome to our website! On our dedicated Kick-In page you’ll find a short introduction of our association. There, you can also register to join an introduction training (or three!). No need for any prior experience with the sport. Intro training! »More info » During the Kick-In, you can find us in …

New sponsor: Ouro Nutrition Endurance
Aloha to our new sponsor Ouro Nutrition Endurance!! Ouro Nutriation Endurance (ONE) is aiming to give every individual sporter the possiblity for balanced sports nutrition products to bring their performance to the top. You could already spot them during the UTT and during the presentation about fuelling during a race. The products will not only …