
What is triathlon? Triathlon is a multisport in which you consecutively swim, cycle and run. Maybe you have ever heard of the Ironman of Hawaii, the most famous long distance triathlon of the world where you swim 3.8 km, cycle 180 km and run 42.2 km. Most of the members of Aloha don’t start doing long distances like this for a long time, these members go for the shorter distances like the sprint or the olympic distance. The sprint distance is 750 m swimming, 20 km cycling and 5 km running. The olympic distance is 1500 m swimming, 40 km cycling and 10 km running.

Apart from the normal triathon, there are lots of variations like duathlon (running-cycling-running), aquathlon (swimming-running-swimming), wintertriathlon (running-cycling-iceskating), kanathlon (canoeing-running-swimming), swim run (swimming-running) and several off-road variations where a mountainbike can be used instead of a normal racebike.

Aloha is one of the few student triathlon associations from the Netherlands. The other student triathlon association are in Delft (DSZ WAVE), Groningen (G.S.T.V. Tritanium), Maastricht (Ferro Mosae) en Nijmegen (NSTV Trion).

You are very welcome to come and train with us to see if triathlon is your sport.


Since the 16th of October 2023, the 34th board of D.S.T.V. Aloha consists of Sara de Bruin (chair), Dagmar Schouteten (secretary), Jolien Elbers (treasurer), Lotte Steenmeijer (General member) and Charlotte Meijers (General member). The board members can be reached via the email addresses shown below, the entire board can be reached via Chair Sara …


Aloha is a very active association, thanks to its active members. Therefore, we invite you to become active in one of our committees. Contact the board for more information here. Alohanium Committee The Alohanium committee organises a sporty weekend away once a year with the student triathlon association from Groningen, Tritanium. Members: Dagmar Schouteten Bar …

Honorary members & members of merit

The people listed below were appointed honorary members or members of merit at the General Meeting because of their special contributions and exceptional commitment to the association. We would like to thank them warmly and put them in the spotlight here! Honorary members Martin Bos Together with Peter Hoogenshuis, Jean-Paul Hofkens and Harm Scholte, Martin …


After you have ended your membership with Aloha (why would you do that?), you can choose to continue supporting Aloha by becoming member of Mahalo. Mahalo is the association for former members of Aloha. When you are a member of Aloha you will be invited for several activities for former members. Benefits of being a …


Main sponsor NonStop Running Hengelo is our main sponsor. They offer Aloha members a 15% discount on running shoes, and sponsor 10% of the club clothing. Sponsors Ouro Nutriation Endurance (ONE) aims to offer every individual athlete the opportunity to take their performance to the top with balanced sports nutrition products. The various available products …

Club clothing

As an association, we have custom sports clothes for our members: ideal for triathlon! Thanks to the clothes of Rogelli and our sponsor NonStop Running, we kan currently order clothes twice per year. Ask the board when it is possible to order clothes again in case you are interested. Are you curious what these clothes …

Statutes & regulations

The latest version of the statutes (set in 1994, revised in December 2017) and the internal regulations (revised on 3 May 2021) in Dutch can be downloaded here. If you would like some clarification of the rules in English, please send a message to the secretary. Statutes Aloha (Dutch, revision December 2017) Internal regulations Aloha …