Last Monday, we got together with about 20 people for an online variation on the annual New Year’s Dinner! It wasn’t just any video call evening, because everyone spent the day before preparing a nice dish, resulting in five (compostable!) trays with small dishes per person. During the afternoon, the organising committee (consisting of Dennis, Lotte, Thijs, Tommie & Veerle) drove around Enschede to deliver the trays to everyone. From chilli to savoury muffins, dumplings to haricots verts and a whole bunch of desserts (just how we like it at Aloha), there was a lot to enjoy. With a glass of wine, some good conversations at small, rotating tables, and some games in between, we had a memorable night. Next year, we hope to all sit at one big table again, but this was a very nice alternative!
Feb 25