Category: Results service

Lustrum registration opened

From the sunny Parc Fermé of the 38th UT-Triathlon, we would like to let you know that registration for the 5th lustrum has just been opened! We celebrate Aloha’s 30th anniversary from Monday 7 to Saturday 12 October. Click the button below to sign up immediately, or visit our brand new web page for more …

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Design refresh

The ‘WebCo’ committee is beaming with pride as they unveil their newly customized website design. After months of dedicated effort and creative thinking, the talented members of WebCo have crafted a fresh and engaging online experience for visitors to their platform. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of user experience, the …

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24 hours triathlon for the Hersenstichting

We, the 24h triathlon committee, are organising an event to raise money for charity. We chose to raise money for the Hersenstichting (Brain charity), as we experienced ourselves from close by how important the brain is. If anything is wrong with it, life can change rapidly and drastically. The lives of all close ones as …

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Aloha time trial 2022!

On the 21th of june 2022, the Aloha time trial was held again on the “Rondje Losser”. In total, there were 33 athletes competing for the podium. The results: Women: 1. Renske Janssen (0:41:00) 2. Florien Bolks (0:41:09) 3. Eva Juffermans (0:41:20) Men: 1. Izak Hanse (0:34:17) 2. Simon Hooisma (0:34:24) 3. Alexander Delke (0:36:15) …

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Time Trial 2021

On Tuesday the 14th of September, the annual Aloha Time Trial returned to its familiar track, and wow, people were fast! On a new layer of asphalt, 33 Time Trial Heroes completed the “Rondje Losser” for three times, for a total of 25 kilometres. It was amazing to see so many debutants participated, all of …

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Results Aloha time trial 2020

The Aloha time trial, 2020 edition, was a great succes! We could not race at our usual time trial round, rondje Losser, due to road maintenance. Instead we organized the time trial at the “Rondje Beckum”, where two laps were ridden for a total of 24.9 km. There were 20 people that participated for the …

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Results Aloha UTTC time trial 2019

On the 25th of June, despite the heat, the time trial competition took place at the traditional round at Losser. The first three men: Simon Hooisma (Klein Verzet) Izak Hanse (Aloha) Koen Wiggers (TCT) The first three women: Rixt Hoogland (Skeuvel) Annelotte Bex (Skeuvel) Ingrid Huizinga (Klein Verzet)

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Update from the results commissary

Aloha, Zowaar een update;van de uitslagenservice – nu het seizoen inmiddels is begonnen, is het eens tijd om te kijken hoe het met iedereen is! Ik ga niet te ver terug in de tijd maar dacht dat de campusloop wel leuk is om bij te beginnen.

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